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Intelligent Systems Group

Intellingent Systems Group

The Intelligent Systems Group (ISG) conducts research in recommender-systems (RecSys), personalization and information retrieval (IR) as well as in automated machine learning (AutoML), meta-learning, and algorithm selection. Domains we are particularly interested in include smart places, eHealth, manufacturing (industry 4.0), mobility, visual computing, and digital libraries.

Head of Chair

Joeran Beel

Webpage : https://isg.beel.org/

Automated Machine Learning (AutoML)

Automated Maschine Learning

AutoML describes the process of automating machine learning pipelines including data pre-processing, algorithm selection, and hyperparameter optimization. It also includes the automated design of neural network architectures (Neural Architecture Search) ...

Recommender Systems & Personalization

Recommender Systems

Recommender Systems are key to successful business models as demonstrated, among others, by IT giants like Amazon and Netflix. Not only the algorithms are crucial for effective systems, but also user interfaces and 'soft' factors like data privacy, trust, and bias.