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The Institute for Vision and Graphics is situated in the building in Hölderlinstraße 3.

The address is:

University of Siegen
Faculty 12
Institute for Vision and Graphics
Hölderlinstraße 3
57068 Siegen

Contact Information about the four IVG Groups

Computer Graphics and Multimedia Systems
Phone: +49 (271) 740-3315
Fax: +49 (271) 740-3337
eMail: graefrath@nt.uni-siegen.de
Media Systems
Phone: +49 (271) 740-2313
Fax: +49 (271) 740-2532
eMail: bbb@informatik.uni-siegen.de

Realtime Lerning Systems
Phone: +49 (271) 740-3305
Fax: +49 (271) 740-3320
eMail: kuhnert@uni-siegen.de
Pattern Recognition
Phone: +49 (271) 740-3972
Fax: +49 (271) 740-1 3972
eMail: marcin.grzegorzek@uni-siegen.de

For further information on how to find us and on public transportation, please follow these links: